Monday, April 24, 2006

So far so good...'s been slightly more than 4 months since Leilani was born...and so far, so good...She has been so far, a very good girl, not much fuss, of course except for when she's hungry or sleepy...but apart from that, you can say she's a well behaved girl. So far. Leilani sleeps soundly at night and wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night and doesn't yell too much when she does (or maybe she does, I sleep like a log, so I'll never know!)

She's turning out to be a very cute girl now. With big round eyes, and semi-curly hair...and she loves to sing (or so we seem to think) She's starting to goo-goo-ga-ga, as if she's singing along when we sing to her or as if she's communicating when we talk to her. Leilani's also a bit of a nosey-parker...her eyes dart around her looking at everything and everyone in sight, especially when we're out in the mall...

The best thing at this moment is that Leilani somehow has a liking more towards ME!!! She stopped crying her head off once when I walked in the room, and never fails to smile at me when I say hello coming back from work, even while she's feeding! She has the cutest smile...she even smiles if she sees me the first thing when she wakes up after a nap! She's the motivation for me now to come home earlier and not to stayback at work too often...


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