Monday, May 15, 2006

happy birthday to me...

I just turned 28 yesterday. Wow...the big three-O is just around the corner!!

Alhamdulillah. Although physically I do look my age (some even think I'm older than what I should be! Maybe due to my seemingly receiding hairline and all..oh-hummm..)but seriously, I don't feel like how I think I should. I mean, when I was much younger, probably in elementary or secondary school, when I see my elder cousins or uncle or aunties who were then around my age now, they always seemed so matured and adult-like, in mannerism, looks and the way and topics they talk about among each other. But now that I am actually in my mid twenties, or rather, late twenties, I still feel like...uhm....very youthful? In malay we call it 'hati muda'...yes that's it...the heart is and will always be young...I guess that's why nowadays, a lot of older folks in their forties, or fifties, you see them zooming around in sports cars and wearing funky clothings....the heart is always young...

Alhamdulillah, this year I celebrated my birthday with both my families, paternal and the in-laws. Plus, I have my newborn in my life now. It's my first year celebrating my birthday as a dad, and my wife was sweet enough to buy two prezzies, one from her, and one from my daughter, as so it sweet....

Another thing happened that sort of coincided with my younger brother, Sharel, announced that he's planning to get married soon! It's not that we did not expect it, but, when it does finally come to that stage, you still have this odd feeling inside..My brother, the lil'guy whom I 'allegedly' bullied when we were younger, my lifetime buddy...just can't imagine him MARRIED!! I bet my parents are facing the same scenario too! Well, life must go on...everyone grows older and more matured...same goes for my bro...congrats bro...may you and Izza live happily ever after..insya'Allah....


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