Sunday, September 10, 2006

I always feel like somebody's watching me...

There are some people who are very concern on how they are perceived in public, and there are some that doesn't care less. I am bit of both. At times I feel as if the world is watching me and everyone is scrutinizing my every moves, every single words that I say, and there are times that I just don't give a damn. For example, on the dance floor in a club, sometimes if the music is right and I'm comfortable with the group I'm hanging out with, I'll go with the flow and enjoy myself. But most of the times, I realize that i'm very cautious of the way I dance (or rather move) and in the end I don't enjoy it. It's silly, I know, but I just can't help it.

Recently, in fact a few months ago, I attended a very insightful Team Building training program organized by the hotel. It's called "Transforming The Trainer". Through this program, we were given a new perspective of giving training which not only involves lecturing or demonstrating the training material but to also include a the 5 senses into the training session like sight (visual aids, mind mapping, colours, etc); touch (kinestethics, energizers); sound (music); scent (aromatherapy i.e citrus scent keeps you awake); and lastly spiritual as in beliefs and others.
All these 5 senses actually affects the trainees ability to grasp and concentrate in training. Apart from that, this program was sort of like a team building program for us members of the newly formed Trainers Club of our hotel.

There was one exercise in the program where you had to give your sincerest opinion on each and every member in the program by writing it down and in a poster on the wall with the participant's name on it. Below is what the others wrote about me:-

Me, being the semi-cautious-of-my-self and semi-don't-give-a-fart about what others' think of myself, was actually kinda nervous to know what the others thought of me...but it turned out good...and that was a really good I can walk around happily knowing that I'm helpful,creative, bla-bla-bla and most importantly, as quoted in the poster above, "a fucking cool guy.."


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